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    Technology Strategy and Management –Virtual CIO

    Technology can be a powerful ally.  The proper technology implemented in the right way can help you meet your objectives whether that is improving operational efficiency, increase in revenue or decreasing costs.  Strategic technology is technology with a purpose that is closely aligned with your business objectives. You should be confident that any technology project that you undertake will be completed successfully and bring value your business. When we engage with a client our approach is to understand what the needs are and then to apply proven processes and solutions to meet those me.  We do not believe in reinventing the wheel or that all clients should be on the bleeding edge.  We can help you determine the right technology solution to meet your desired goals.  We can then help you to implement that technology successfully and achieve the returns that you're shooting for.

    Services provided as part of Technology Strategy and Management includes :

  • Technology Planning
  • Business Analysis
  • Project Management
  • Technology Services Outsourcing

    At large companies, the CIO or Chief Information Officer is responsible for making sure that the company’s technology dollars are invested wisely.  He or she understands what the business is trying to accomplish, and then determines which technology solution will best help the business achieve its goals, all the while taking into account these key factors:  the business objective, the current technology environment in the organization, users ability to adapt to new technology, resources required for development and training, ongoing support and maintenance and cost. The CIO will analyze potential solutions for the business and build a business case with recommendations for senior management.  The CIO will then take responsibility for the technology deployment and ensuring that the expected results from the new solution are achieved.  Our technology strategy and management service gives you a Virtual CIO on-demand.


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